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Cold Plunge (as seen on Shark Tank)


The Cold Plunge, more widely known as cold water immersion or ice baths, is a scientifically backed wellness practice turned modality that provides the human body with many health benefits in little as 1 minute.  According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the benefits of cold-water immersion and ice baths on human physiology date back to 3,500BC with the Edwin Smith Papyrus.  In today’s world, our Cold Plunge is unique in that we eliminate the use of ice to chill the water and instead utilize a state of art cooler that can chill water from 60 degrees down to 39 degrees.  Its running filtration system keeps the water clean and clear and we test daily to ensure that Ph levels are optimal for sanitation. 

Benefits of Cold-Water Immersion

  • improves overall cardiovascular health

  • positively triggers a “shock response” (the natural reaction to cold water) that pushes the cardiovascular system and heart rate – a chief goal of high-intensity heart-healthy exercise

  • reduces cholesterol

  • boosts the immune system

  • helps treat inflammation

  • eases pain & speeds up recovery from sports injuries

  • boosts the body’s stores of “brown adipose tissue” (BAT), a type of “good” body fat activated by low temperatures. (BAT) burns calories to maintain body heat, which leads to weight loss, unlike “bad” body fat that is white, which stores energy and increases obesity risks

  • boosts “brown adipose tissue” (BAT) production of adiponectin, a protein that helps protect against insulin resistance, diabetes, & other diseases

  • increases insulin sensitivity and decreases insulin concentrations

  • forces the brain to release dopamine, the feel-good hormone, enabling plungers to feel “joyful” and “euphoric” indicating a positive effect on mental health (depression, etc…) that lasts through out the day

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